Women on the Journey

Women on the Journey

Mission Statement:

To provide a place, where women can come to share their life stories with a shared trust and to deepen their spirituality through group pray and discussions.

The group does not advise; however, they listen from their hearts with a non-judgmental attitude to provide support and the encouragement of growth and insight. It is believed that with the grace of God, people have within themselves all they need to discover truth.

As a member of the Women on a Journey community,
Members listen to others from their heart
Listen to others with a non-judgmental attitude
Listen to others with love
Listen to others with respect for their freedom
Listen to others with shared trust
Speak from their unique experience
Together they seek understanding not agreement
All done in complete confidentiality

The group meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, from September through June. For additional information contact Jean Sampson at

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