

Ruth Coughlin wrote in Grieving, A Love Story, “No one can tell you about grief, about its unfathomable depths. No one can tell you about the crater that is created in the center of your body, the one that nothing can fill.”

The death of a loved one comes in many ways . . . a spouse or parent you’ve loved for half a century, a young child, a terminal illness, a sudden unexpected death, or death by suicide or violence. However it comes, the death of a loved one brings shock and finality for which nobody is truly prepared.

St. Bernardine Parish Community offers its prayers and sympathy at the time of the death of a loved one. Through St. Bernardine priests and bereavement ministers, support is given through this difficult time.

To contact the Bereavement Ministry team, please call the Parish Office at
(818) 888-8200.

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