Throughout the month of February, we are continuing to collect gift cards (Amazon, stores, grocery stores, restaurants, gas, etc.) and cash for the Corpus Christi Parish families affected by the recent fires. Father Michael will be meeting with Monsignor Kidney to personally deliver the donations collected at our parish. Gift cards and cash can be dropped off in the Parish Office or placed in the Sunday collection baskets. Thank you in advance for your support!
Join St. Bernardine's Cub Scout Pack 175 in the "pit" for their annual Pinewood Derby. Enjoy food and play games, you may even get the chance to race. 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, in the Parish Hall.
Join the school community at St. Bernardine Elementary School's Roaring '20s Gala. From 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM at Pinstrips in the Topanga Mall.
St. Bernardine's Peace & Justice Committee will be collecting bagged meals, socks, blankets, and diapers for the Guadalupe Center. Please have your donations to the church by 11AM. Thank you.
Ash Wednesday Masses will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30AM, 8:30AM, 12PM, and 6:30PM. Mass willl take place with ash distribution at the end of Mass. For any questions, contact our Parish Office.
The first of four University Series program, held here at St. Bernardine, takes place Thursday, 3/6. Fr. Thomas Rausch will present "To Believe or Not Believe" at 7PM in our Parish Hall. Tickets are available at the door for $15.
Throughout Lent, St. Bernardine Ministry Groups will host the Stations of the Cross for six consecutive Friday Nights at 7PM in the church. The first sesion takes place on Friday, March 7th hosted by the Lector Ministry group.
Join us on Friday, March 14th for the First Friday Mass & Luncheon. Mass is at 11:30AM in the Parish Hall Chapel followed by a handmade lunch in the Parish Hall. Please bring a food donation for the Guadalupe Center. Be social and meet friends!
Please join us for our second Stations of the Cross at 7PM in the church. Our Eucharist Ministers ministry will be leading this session.
Dinner with Family & Friends takes place on Saturday, March 15th at 6PM. Chef Jeff Paradise will be cooking an "Irish-themed" meal. Please purchase tickets in advance following Masses the first two weekends of March or from the Parish Office or online giving. Very limited tickets will be sold at the door that night. $15/person
The second of our University Series lecture takes place on March 20th. Dcn. Memo Rodriguez will be presenting "Pilgrims of Hope" at 7PM in our Parish Hall. $15/seminar.
Our third Stations of the Cross will be held at 7PM in the Church. Our Brothers in Faith Men's Group will be leading this session.
Our fourth Stations of the Cross will take place on March 3/28 at 7PM in the Church. Our Youth Ministry Group will be leading this session.
Our parish utilizes Constant Contact as a form of communication to send weekly emails and updates to parishioners. If you would like to receive these emails, please call theParish Officeat(818) 888-8200or send an email toCathy
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